Trimec Lawn Weed Killer Herbicide – 1 Pint
Selective Lawn Herbicide
Southern Ag’s Lawn Weed Killer is a selective herbicide for controlling:
- Dandelions
- Chickweed
- Plantain
- Henbit
- Spurge
- many other broadleaf weeds.
- Bahia
- Bermuda
- Bentgrass
- Buffalograss
- Bluegrass
- Centipedegrass
- Ryegrass
- Fescue
- St. Augustine
- Mecoprop 5.3%
- 2,4-D 3.05%
- Dicamba 1.29%
- For a full 9.64% for a combined total in strength.
RATE: 1 to 1+ oz. per gallon to 400 sq. ft. for southern grasses. 1+ oz. per gallon to 400 sq. ft. for Northern Grasses.
APPLICATION: Apply as a uniform spray with a fan nozzle on turf or follow the labeled directions for using a hose end sprayer.
CAUTION: Avoid spray drift on shrubs & trees. Spray to accurately obtain indicated coverage.
Product Label