Terraclor 400 Ornamental Fungicide – 1 Gallon
Terraclor 400 Ornamental Fungicide
Terraclor 400 is an effective soil fungicide for prevention and control of soil borne diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani and other soil borne diseases. Terraclor 400 works primarily as a preventative agent through contact activity, and should be applied before disease symptoms appear in order to achieve optimum results. Terraclor 400 applications at first sign of disease have curative properties as well.
Labeled for use on:
Ornamentals and vegetable bedding plants grown in greenhouses, shade houses, nurseries, and landscape plantings.
 Diseases controlled: Rhizoctonia spp., Bulb Rot, Flower blight, Sclerotinia spp., Dry Rot.
Product Label