Subdue Maxx Fungicide
Subdue Maxx Fungicide
Subdue Maxx fungicide offers superior control of Pythium blight. It is a macroemulsion concentrate formulation providing excellent tank mix compatibility and stability which contains no odor and mixes into a clear solution.
Subdue MAXX is a systemic fungicide for use on ornamentals; turf; nonbearing citrus grown in nurseries and as landscape plantings; conifers grown in nurseries and plantations, including Christmas trees; and nonbearing deciduous fruit and nut trees grown in nurseries.
Usage:Â Subdue Maxx may be applied through traditional spray equipment or through irrigation systems as a soil drench, soil surface (broadcast or banded), or as a stem and foliar spray. See product label for full details on rate of use for the application method chosen.
Active Ingredients:Â Mefenoxam – 22%