Ronstar 50 WSP Herbicide – 2 Lbs.
Ronstar 50 WSP Herbicide
Ronstar 50 WSP is a pre-emergent herbicide for control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in turf and on a variety of woody ornamental shrubs and trees. Ronstar herbicide controls weeds through shoots, not roots. So unlike competitive products that don’t distinguish between roots of weeds and roots and desirable plants, Ronstar doesn’t harm healthy turf. This product can be applied to sensitive grasses and areas where roots are already weakened by winterkill, pests or injury.
Rate of use: Apply Ronstar 50 WSP herbicide broadcast, in a minimum of 50 gallons of water per acre (1.14 gallons of water per 1,000 sqft), to established ornamentals at 4-8 WS packets per acre as a single over-the-top spray application or as a single directed spray application to the soil. The maximum amount allowed per year is 12 lbs of product/A (equivalent to 6 lbs ai/A/yr) except in areas of heavy weed infestation where the maximum amount allowed per year is 16 lbs of product/A (equivalent to 8 lbs ai/A/yr). The maximum number of applications that may be made per year is two. The maximum single application rate is 4 lbs ai/A. A subsequent application can be made 4 months after the previous treatment.
See product label for details on Ornamental shrubs and trees.
Active Ingredient: Oxadiazon – 50%
Product Label