Postiva Fungicide powered by Adepidyn Technology – 28 oz.
Syngenta Postiva Fungicide
Postiva fungicide is powered by ADEPIDYN technology, the first member of a subclass of SDHIs, and difenoconazole, a DMI fungicide. With two modes of action, Postiva provides strong protection and reliable control of difficult diseases such as Fusarium, leaf spots, Botrytis, powdery mildew, as well as bacterial suppression.
Active Ingredients:
Pydiflumetofen, Difenoconazole
- Features a combination unique to the ornamental market in FRAC Groups 7 and 3
- Rapidly absorbed into plant tissue creating a rainfast barrier of protection, preventing infection and disease progression
- Bacterial disease suppression (Pseudomonas spp. and Xanthomonas spp.)
- Applications can be made by spray, drench, chemigation or cold fogging
- Excellent rotation partner to diversify programs for more comprehensive and broader-spectrum control
- Outstanding efficacy and long-lasting control of Fusarium spp., powdery mildews and leaf spot diseases
- Provides a complete plant protection treatment against fungal and bacterial pathogens.
- Flexible application methods fit any operation
Product Information