Pillar G Intrinsic Fungicide Granules – 30 Lbs.
Pillar G Intrinsic Fungicide Granules
Pillar G Intrinsic brand fungicide is a combination of pyraclostrobin (the active ingredient in Insignia fungicide) and triticonazole (the active ingredient in Trinity fungicide) on a granular carrier. This combination of two highly effective active ingredients delivers excellent disease control on numerous disease problems that challenge turf managers today. These diseases include dollar spot, anthracnose, patch diseases (brown patch, large patch, take-all patch, summer patch), snow molds, leaf spots, and more.
Pillar G Intrinsic brand fungicide also offers plant health benefits. Research shows turf treated with Pillar G Intrinsic brand fungicide provides improved plant health in the form of stress management including drought/moisture and temperature extremes. Treated turf has also shown increased root length and density.
Pillar G Intrinsic brand fungicide is formulated on a clay granule that provides excellent spreading characteristics due to its density and uniform particle size. The active ingredient moves quickly off the granule after irrigation or precipitation so that it can protect turfgrass soon after application.
Usage: 3 lbs./1000 sq. ft.
Active ingredients:
0.43% Triticonazole
0.38% Pyraclostrobin
0.43% Triticonazole
0.38% Pyraclostrobin
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