Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons
Pendulum 3.3 EC HerbicideÂ
Emulsifiable Concentrate
Pendulum is a pre-emergent broad spectrum herbicide that not only controls crabgrass, but more than 40 grassy and broadleaf weeds in all.
Pendulum delivers unbeatable overall control of weeds, controls weeds as they germinate, and is labeled for over the top applicaiton.
Pendulum delivers unbeatable overall control of weeds, controls weeds as they germinate, and is labeled for over the top applicaiton.
Rate of use: 1-2.6 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft in turf; 1.8-3.6 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. in ornamentals
Active ingredient: 37.4% Pendimethalin
Product Label