Daconil Ultrex Fungicide – 5 Lbs.
Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide
Daconil Ultrex Fungicide
 Daconil Ultrex fungicide is a leading broad-spectrum contact fungicide that helps protect ornamentals from more than 50 major diseases in both nurseries and greenhouses.
 Active Ingredient: Chlorothalonil
- Provides residual control for 14 to 21 days
- Available as a water-dispersible granule, flowable and flowable-with-zinc formulations
- Built-in surfactant provides rainfastness for superior staying power
- Allows you to get back into your nursery or greenhouse sooner to do the work you need to do
- Provides excellent wide-spectrum disease control when partnered with Heritage®, Banner Maxx® II and Subdue Maxx®
- Provides extended disease protection from more than 50 diseases
Do not use on home lawns and turf sites associated with apartment buildings, daycare centers, playgrounds, playfields, recreational park athletic fields, athletic fields located on or next to schools (e.g., elementary, middle and high schools), campgrounds, churches, and theme parks. Do not apply to forests. Daconil Ultrex may be used to control certain diseases of container, bench, flat, plug, bed or field-grown ornamentals in greenhouses, shade-houses, outdoor nurseries, and residential and commercial landscapes.
Product Label