Bitter Blue Grass Plugs – 2 Trays
Bitter Blue St. Augustine Grass Plugs
Bitter Blue features a dark blue-green tone and finer texture. With good cold weather tolerance and a slow growth rate, it thrives in shady environments and is an excellent all-weather grass. Each tray measures 21.5″ x 11.25″ x 3.25″ and contains 16 grass plugs.
1 tray covers 50 sq. ft.
10 trays cover 500 sq.ft.
20 trays cover 1000 sq.ft.
Plugs should be between 6 – 12 inches apart and take 3 – 4 months under ideal conditions for full coverage to be attained.
Shipment of plugs is cut off by Wednesday during the week unless in Florida.
Due to lengthy delivery times and restrictions, we do not deliver plugs to California.