Kentucky 32 Endophyte Free Tall Fescue Grass Seed
Kentucky 32 Endophyte Free Tall Fescue
Kentucky 32 is an amazing breed of low maintenance grass that is endophyte free and highly resistant to frost, drought, heavy grazing, and all sorts of abuse. Its thick meaty leaf blades are highly sought after for feeding dairy and beef cattle as well as horses.
It has a medium green color, with open crowns that allow for good air flow, which reduces the incidence of turf diseases. The wide leaf blades collect more sunlight, allowing for a suitable turf for dense shade lawns. Deep roots go after soil moisture to allow greater drought tolerance. All of these factors add years to the life of the lawn.
Kentucky 32 is tough, and is excellent for parks, playgrounds, sportsfields, and those backyards that must withstand active kids and pets. It is also excellent for applications that involve livestock and horses. Being endophyte free, Kentucky 32 will work great for show arenas, race tracks, and polo fields where endophyte infected turf may be detrimental to animals.
- Excellent seedling vigor
- Fast establishment
- Vigorous growth
- High resistance to Brown Patch, Pythium, and Red Thread diseases
- Excellent drought tolerance
- Excellent for dense shade
- Outcompetes weeds, especially Poa annua
- Fantastic for low or “0” maintenance applications
Recommended seeding rate: drill 25-30 pounds per acre, no more than a half inch deep.