Verdanta RM-1 Organic 4-30-0 Fertilizer – 40 Lbs.
Verdanta RM-1 Organic 4-30-0 Fertilizer
RM-1 is a high phosphorus mixture (4-30-0) of organic and mineral nutrient sources that provide nitrogen and phosphorus to plants. RM-1 stimulates rooting and enhances flowering in short-term crops with initial application or on longer crops with a second top-dressed application. RM-1 provides nutrients for up to 100 days at soil temperature of 60F.
Verdanta RM-1, with its better phosphorus availability can be used with many fertilizer programs to provide a base level of phosphorus suitable for any crop, and especially those that have high P demands. It is especially useful in high pH soils, and in cold temperatures. RM-1 is also beneficial used in seed or vegetative propagation for enhancing root growth.
Incorporate RM-1 into any potting medium to complement your nutrition program where added phosphorus can be of benefit.
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