Bonus Teff Grass Seed
Bonus Teff Grass
Bonus Teff is an annual, fine-stemmed, warm season grass that can be used for hay production, pasture, and as an emergency forage crop. It can be used for all classes of livestock, including horses, cows, and sheep. Bonus is one of the best performing teff grasses, and can produce high quality forage in a short growing season.
Planting information: plant at a rate of 8-12 lbs./acre (or 4-5 lbs./acre into existing alfalfa), 1/8-1/4 inch deep. Seed-to-soil contact is very important, and rolling or packing the soil after seeding can ensure a firm enough seed bed.
Bonus teff requires a frost-free growing season, and grows best in soil with adequate phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur. 50 pounds of nitrogen per acre at planting is recommended for good forage production.
Harvest: in the pre-boot to early boot stage, approximately 50 days after planting, at a cutting height of 3-4 inches. Harvest regrowth 25-45 days.