Nufarm Prosedge Selective Herbicide – 1.33 Oz.
Nufarm Prosedge Selective Herbicide
Nufarm Prosedge offers excellent postemergent control of yellow and purple nutsedge as well as horsetail, while being gentle to many turfgrass species. This product is also good for use around woody ornamentals in landscaped areas.
- Offers Kyllinga suppression
- Easy-to-use water-soluble formulation
- Rainfast within four hours
Rate of use:Â
- For control of purple or yellow nutsedge: 2/3- 1 1/3 ounces (by weight)/acre after nutsedge has reached 3-8 leaf stage of growth. Use 0.25-0.5% nonionic surfactant, or 1/3 fl. oz. per gallon spot treatment.
- For control of horsetail: 2 2/3 ounces/acre after horsetail has leafed out.
When applied as directed, the following established turfgrasses are tolerant to application of this product:
- Cool-season grasses: creeping bentgrass, fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue
- Warm-season grasses: bahiagrass, bermudagrass, centipedegrass, kikuyugrass, seashore paspalum, St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass
Active ingredient: 75% Halosulfuron-methy