Weedar 64 Broadleaf Herbicide – 2.5 Gal
Weedar 64 Broadleaf Herbicide
To control susceptible broadleaf weeds in cereal grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, soybeans (pre plant only), turf, non-crop areas, and certain aquatic applications. The recommended rate of use varies. Versatile label includes aquatics and irrigation ditches.
Active ingredient: 46.8% 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, dimethylamine salt
Key Weeds controlled (See product label for complete list):
- Â Bull thistle
- Burdock, common
- Carrot, wild
- Catnip
- Chicory
- Coffee weed
- Dandelion
- Evening primrose, common
- Garlic, wild
- Hairy galinsoga
- Healall
- Jimsonweed
- Lettuce, wild
- Marshelder
- Morning glory; common, ivy, woolly
- Mustards (except blue)
- Onion, wild
- Pepperweeds (except perennial)
- Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.)
- Plantains
- Prickly lettuce
- Ragweed; common, giant
- Rough fleabane
- Salsify; common, western
- Sowthistle, annual species
- Vetch