Micro Clover Seed Coated & Inoculated
Benefits of a Micro Clover Lawn
Variety: Pipolina
The inclusion of micro-clover in grass mixtures allows the soil to retain more moisture in dry periods. It provides an organic source of nitrogen to support turfgrass growth with added disease and weed resistance. Micro-clover is proving to be a viable, cost-effective solution for lawns and turf areas that require low maintenance. Micro-clover seed is made up of very small, white clovers providing all the benefits of traditional clover with additional advantages.
Microclover’s ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form of natural fertilizer for grass makes it ideal for use as part of a self-sustaining lawn. The Micro-clover plants also act as a canopy protecting against weed establishments such as dandelions in turf areas, resulting in an attractive and healthy lawn. Micro-clover can be used at lower rates than traditional grass seed mixtures, which further contributes to its cost-effectiveness and provides an enhanced look and feel to any outdoor space.
New Lawn: Prepare the top 4 to 6 inches of your soil by tilling and adding compost (optional). Micro clover does best with a pH of 6 to 7. Rake to ensure a fine, even surface, then seed using a seed spreader, reserving some seed to fill in any gaps that develop after germination. Water regularly to ensure your soil doesn’t dry out.
Overseeding: Mow close to the soil surface and aerate first. Seed with a thin coating of soil and sand to improve germination rates, rake lightly, and press.
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